Karma and Samsara

In Hinduism karma operates not only in this lifetime but across
lifetimes: the results of an action might only be experienced after the
present life in a new life.
Hindus believe that human beings can create good or bad consequences
for their actions and might reap the rewards of action in this life, in a
future human rebirth or reap the rewards of action in a heavenly or
hell realm in which the self is reborn for a period of time.
This process of reincarnation is called samsara, a
continuous cycle in which the soul is reborn over and over again
according to the law of action and reaction. At death many Hindus
believe the soul is carried by a subtle body into a new physical body
which can be a human or non-human form (an animal or divine being). The
goal of liberation (moksha) is to make us free from this cycle of action and reaction, and from rebirth.